Wilstead and Wixams Good Neighbours
The WWGNS consists of about 25 volunteers who are available to give lifts to and from appointments, befriend, help with small DIY tasks as well as dog walking. If you would like to be a volunteer and add a bit back to our great village please call the phone number below.
The help is available to anyone who lives in the village and can be accessed by telephoning the dedicated telephone number: 07807 408928.
There is a nominal donation for expenses such as fuel.
The other service provided by WWGNS is a weekly Community Cafe run on alternate Fridays in the Village Hall, 2 -3:30pm .
Dates for this are posted in the Monthly Village Newsletter and on the village notice boards. Do drop in to meet us and enjoy a drink and friendly chat.
There is also a weekly Community Cafe run in Wixams Lakeland Village Hall every Tuesday from 10 to 12.30pm
The scheme is run by a small committee:
Rick Baxter (Chairperson);
Leon Staszak (Vice Chairman )
Jill Huckle (secretary)
Trish Baxter, Jean Miller, Tim Wren, Richard Oxlade and Gwyneth Gale.
To contact the Good Neighbours Scheme call: 07807 408928. If there is no reply please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.