The Oliver Street Surgery
Dr S Haque, Dr W J Lockley, Dr Janet Bietzk, Dr Rachel Donaldson
The Health Centre
Oliver Street
Bedfordshire MK45 2SB
Emergencies/enquiries: 01525 631 395
Appointments: 01525 631 396
Fax: 01525 631 398
E-mail: oliverstreetsurgery@nhs.net
The Ampthill surgery is open for appointments Monday – Friday 8.00am – 6.30pm with late night appointments up to 8.00pm (prebookable) alternate Mondays and Wednesdays.
We also run a branch surgery at
Wilstead Methodist Church, Whitworth Way, Wilstead Beds MK45 3DB
Surgery Times
GP 9.00 - 12.00
Nurse 9.00 – 11.30
GP 9.00 - 10.30
For patients registered at The Oliver Street Surgery we would like to highlight the services offered by the Doctors and Nurses.
The Surgery is open from 8.00am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday with late night appointments up to 8.00pm alternate Mondays and Wednesdays.
If you are not able to get a suitable appointment with one of the Doctors, we have Nurse appointments available for minor illness, injury, asthma reviews, immunisations, health checks and diabetic checks, smoking cessation, contraception (free condoms to patients under 25). The Nurse cannot prescribe medication or refer for treatment but is able to triage and liaise with the Duty Doctor.
The Duty Doctor is able to assess an illness or injury (i.e. broken bone) which may require referral to hospital and provide a letter enabling you to bypass a long wait at A&E. Our Doctors and Nurses are also able to stitch or glue any minor wounds.
We also welcome new patients to the Surgery and cover a large area of mid Bedfordshire including Wixams where we have a branch Surgery at The Methodist Church Hall, Wilstead.
We are also looking for young people who are registered with our surgery, especially those planning to attend college or university to join our 'Patient Participation Group' which meets in the evening 4 times per year. Participation is acknowledged by prospective employers and on a personal statement when applying for further education.
Please contact the surgery for an appointment on: 01525 631396 or via the website www.oliverstreetsurgery.co.uk
Greensand Surgery
The Health Centre
Oliver Street
Ampthill MK45 2SB
Practice Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri 8.50am - 6.00pm
Surgery Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 8.40 - 6.00pm
Appointments: 01525 631391
General Enquiries: 01525 631390